掲載論文閲覧:JETは専門家による査読のある、オープンアクセスの人間工学に関する科学雑誌です:Journal of Ergonomic Technology (JET)

Journal of Ergonomic Technology (JET)
ISSN 2432-1575


Reassurance evaluation structure at the time of communicating information in public space – practical study of major public spaces –
論文掲載日:2012/03/01  第12巻
Shigeyoshi IIZUKA, Kanagawa University
Yosuke ASANO, Masahiko MUNECHIKA, Waseda University
Original article
Appeared on Ergonomics of Human System Interaction, Vol. 12, No. 1, 1/11, 2009.

In order to develop a structure of evaluation terms related to reassurance at the time of communicating information in a public space into knowledge that is reflected in design, both of an analysis of LAN spots of various public spaces, e.g., stations, airport, and internet cafes, rental office and establishment of each evaluation structure are required. Bu this study, it was found that reassurance at the time of communication information in an Internet café is influenced of both ‘safety’ and ‘comfort.’ And it was also found that reassurance at the time of communicating information in the LAN spot of an airport or a station and a rental office is influenced only by ‘safety’ (not by ‘comfort’). Furthermore, it was found that it is thought that ‘safety’ is secured and it is naturally, such as, ‘information leak/information are not abused,’ and ‘secured institution.’ Moreover, ‘comfort’ is considered that he/she feels reassurance if sufficient, and that it is inevitable if un-sufficient, such as ‘good feelings about how to use an equipment’ and ‘back ground music.’

Keywords: Kansei evaluation structure, Reassurance, Kansei quality, Quality deployment method, Public space
ダウンロード回数:418 回
Analysis of reassurance evaluation structure at the time of communication information in public space
論文掲載日:2011/03/01  第11巻
Shigeyoshi IIZUKA, NTT Cyber Solution Laboratories
Yosuke ASANO, Masahiko MUNECHIKA, Waseda University
Original article
Appeared on Ergonomics of Human System Interaction, Vol. 11, No. 1, 1/9, 2008.

In order to realize the public space when we can communicate information with reassurance, it is necessary to clarify how users feel reassurance from what element and to harness it in a design. In our approach, Kansei evaluation model were used to extract evaluation terms that related to reassurance at the time of communication information in a public space, and structuring of those evaluation terms are performed. As a result, ‘safe’ and ‘comfortable’ as evaluation terms on a mental reaction first. Then, the relation between these evaluation terms and comprehensive sensitivity (‘reassurance’) was found. Furthermore, as evaluation terms on the basic element which constitutes reassurance, 6 elements: ‘information leak’ and ‘image’ were extracted. The evaluation terms were also structured by using the association diagram method. Finally, the evaluation structure related to the reassurance when the user communication in a public space was established.

Keywords: Reassurance, Kansei evaluation structure, Evaluation term, Kansei quality, Public space
ダウンロード回数:407 回
Analyses of computer games by analytic hierarchy process
論文掲載日:2010/03/01  第10巻
Toshiyuki YAMASHITA, Ahmad EIBO, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Yutaka KURIYAMA, Toin University of Yokohama
Tomoshige HASHISHITA, Softnica Co. Ltd.
Original article
Appeared on Ergonomics of Human System Interaction, Vol. 10, No. 1, 16/22, 2007.

Attention to human computer interaction has grown in recent years, because we have been spending more time on interaction with computer systems in the information-oriented society. We adopted a computer game, the space invader game, as an example of human computer interaction. We constructed eight different versions of the game varying the three features, that is, the attacks by the invaders, the sound effects, and showing the score on the display. We used Saaty’s AHP (Analytic Hierarcy Process) procedure to evaluate how each feature of the game determined whether the game was preferred. The results from AHP suggest that the invaders’ attacks, the sound effects, and the score on the display have effects on the enjoyments of the sensorimotor skill, the perceptual stimulation, and the challenge of getting higher score, respectively.

Keywords: Computer games, AHP, Human computer interaction, Human interface
ダウンロード回数:462 回
Pen selection by personal pen-pressure using fuzzy inference
論文掲載日:2010/03/01  第10巻
Reiko MITSUYA, Kageyu NORO, Waseda University
Original article
Appeared on Ergonomics of Human System Interaction, Vol. 10, No. 1, 11/16, 2007.

Requirements for pens have changed markedly as a result of individual writing environments and writing features. That is, today is marked a demand for pens to provide ‘ease of use’ and ‘ease of writing’, although these aspects differ vastly among individuals. This research sought to construct a model to provide suitable pens to individuals. This research focused on writing pressure as generally reflects characteristics like the size of the hand, grasping posture, anatomy, and habits. Thus, we constructed a model that allowed prediction of an individual’s writing pressure using fuzzy inference and suggested a pen suited to the individual depending on his or her writing pressure. As a result, entering the length of the forefinger, the height of the fourth contact point, and the height of the middle finger contact point selected a pen tailored to the individual depending on his or her writing pressure; this allowed a model for more ergonomic pen selection.

Keywords: Pen, Fuzzy, Writing pressure, Contact point, Finger, Modeling
ダウンロード回数:392 回
Improving software usability of multi-functional self-service terminals
論文掲載日:2010/03/01  第10巻
Hiroyuki MIKI, Corporate R&D Centre, Oki Electric Ind. Co., Ltd.
Original article
Appeared on Ergonomics of Human System Interaction, Vol. 10, No. 1, 1/9, 2007.

The number of multi-functional self-service terminals (MSTs), such as auto-teller machines (ATMs), ticket-vending machines, and automatic load contract machines (ALCMs), has been increasing with the growth of user’s convenience needs. However, they are quite often criticized about software usability (interactions) because of their operational complexity.
Special interest is that addition of the automatic loan contract function influences software usability of MSTs. By analyzing usability testing (user tests) data of seven subjects, this paper shows limitations of the application of current ATM designs to ALCMs and proposes four new guidelines. The second test shows effectiveness of the proposed guidelines in the evaluation of screen designs of ALCMs, followed y the discussion of future issuers.

Keywords: Usability, Self-service terminals, Qualitative analysis, Automatic load contract machines
ダウンロード回数:374 回
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