掲載論文閲覧:JETは専門家による査読のある、オープンアクセスの人間工学に関する科学雑誌です:Journal of Ergonomic Technology (JET)

Journal of Ergonomic Technology (JET)
ISSN 2432-1575


A study of wide-angle perspective
論文掲載日:2003/11/01  第3巻
Tetsuya KAJITANI, Bunka Women’s University
Original article
Appeared on Ergonomics of Human System Interaction Vol.3, No.2, 1/8, 1997.

To represent an object in wide angle, in general, the projection center is placed near the object and the perspective method is applied to compose a wide-angle representation. However, spaces such as kitchens are difficult to express in full through the use of conventional perspective methods. In such cases, irregular perspective drawings are sometimes prepared. However, that preparation is often dependent on the unique experience-based techniques of the designer. Therefore, we are proposing a method of perspective drawing preparation which can be used with existing CAD system and can represent even difficult spaces like kitchens. In this method, to prepare a wide-angle perspective drawing using a program (automatically) without changing the shape of the object, information concerning its depth (Z axis information) is exchanged with the information of the sides (X and Y planes) at the time that perspective transformation is performed.
In this report, we have incorporated independent parameters (ox, oy, oz) for each axis and parameters (dx, dy) for perspective exchange of the object centered on any point. In this way, the object (x, y, z) gives rise to a wide-angle perspective drawing (X*, Y*, 0).

Keywords: Computer, CAD, Perspective, Perceptual constancy, Visual angle, Wide-angle perspective
ダウンロード回数:318 回
Present state and bases of KANSEI information processing
論文掲載日:2003/03/01  第3巻
Shin’ya NAGASAQA, Ritsumeikan University
Review article
Appeared on Ergonomics of Human System Interaction Vol. 3, No. 1, 37/44, 1997.

Recently the whole society tends to attach importance to humanity and human life. One’s KANSEI such as feeling, sense, taste, preference and so on has been utilized to product design. Consequently the design technique has been adopted which the function or specification is decided according to measurement and analysis of KANSEI. And an approach to those technique by KANSEI information processing and KANSEI engineering has been focuse on and is discussed in this paper.

Keywords: KANSEI, KANSEI information processing, KANSEI quality
ダウンロード回数:357 回
An analysis of error frequency in the Uchida-Kraepelin test
論文掲載日:2003/03/01  第3巻
Kiminobu KODAMA, NK-EXA Corporation
Original article
Appeared on Ergonomics of Human System Interaction, Vol. 3, No. 1, 6/11, 1997.

Nishikawa found that error frequency in the Uchida-Kreapelin Test wss very low and constant, and errors occurred independently of each other. Kodama and Masuyama made a prototypical system to conduct the same test using a personal computer and a mouse. In this report, we carried out spectral analysis using the error occurrence data of Kodama and Masuyama, and found that a certain personal computer system and the test paper.

Keywords: Uchida-Kraepelin test, Error analysis, Spectral analysis
ダウンロード回数:353 回
New CPM device applied with measurement and processing of human body information
論文掲載日:2003/03/01  第3巻
Masashi KONDO, Koji NAGATA, Taisuke SAKAKI, Yaskawa Electric Co.
Toshio HORIUCHI, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University
Technical note
Appeared on Ergonomics of Human System Interaction Vol. 3, No. 1, 33/34, 1997.

This paper proposes a new device for knee and hip joints CPM/rehabilitation. The machine has three D.O.F. mechanism to follow complicated human joint motion, direct-teaching system to implement therapist motion directly to the device, and impedance control to decrease load to joints. Also, the device is able to measure those joints angle and their load torque.

Keywords: Rehabilitation, CPM, Multi D.O.F., Impedance control, Direct-teaching
ダウンロード回数:338 回
Analysis of vertical eye movements for designing a comfortable VDT workstation
論文掲載日:2003/03/01  第3巻
Midori SOTOYAMA, National Institute of Industrial Health
Technical note
Appeared on Ergonomics of Human System Interaction Vol. 3, No. 1, 31/32, 1997.

To propose a comfortable design of VDT (visual display terminal) workstation, vertical eye movements were analyzed while performing word processing task using three different types of workstation. The vertical gaze direction is an useful index in the field o visual ergonomics, because direction became higher while viewing display as the distance between a display and a keyboard increased. The higher gazing direction causes strong eye irritation. Thus the display should be set lower and closer to the keyboard to realize a comfortable VDT workstation.

Keywords: Vertical eye movement, Vertical gaze direction, VDT workstation design, Visual comfort
ダウンロード回数:315 回
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